What should I expect for our initial consultation?

Without sounding like I’m minimizing the process, I think it all starts with saying that first “hello” and seeing where it takes you. I encourage you to trust your instinct for this part and take your time making a decision. 

Are you taking in-person appointments?

Yes, I’ve been back in the office on Fridays since October 2022. Looking forward to seeing everyone in-person again! 

What are your fees?

My session rate is $185 for individual therapy and $225 for couples counseling.

I offer a sliding scale based on financial need.

Do you accept insurance?

I’m not on any insurance panels but will happily furnish an invoice for you to submit to your insurance provider. Confirm your out-of-network coverage with your insurance provider to see if you’re eligible for reimbursement. 

How long can I expect therapy to last?

It’s largely dependent on your goals in treatment. Generally speaking, I would recommend six months as a timeline to assess your growth and progress. However, I routinely follow up on how therapy is going for you, especially during the early stages of our work.

Do you like your job?

This is my favorite question to get because I can always earnestly say how grateful I am for the work and for all my past and present clients. Your resiliency and stories have deeply touched and inspired me.

To be alone in the presence of another.

— D.W. Winnicot